Pagina web del Grup A.C. que està en varis idiomes, té grup al Facebook i d'altres. Es una web molt completa i si poden trobar molts temes diferents.
Novetats de Grup A.C.
A new header
(jue, 29 abr 2010)
Hello everyone, just to inform you that a new and more innovative cooler header.
Thanks to all.
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Nueva cabecera
(Thu, 29 Apr 2010)
Hola a todos,
Os informamos que hemos creado una nueva cabecera más innovadora y más fresca.
Gracias a todos.
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Nova capçalera
(Thu, 29 Apr 2010)
Hola a tots, us informo que acabem de fer una nova capçalera més innovadora i més fresca.
Gracies a tots.
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Renewal point total
(Sat, 07 Nov 2009)
We've changed, now the website has a new image. Apart from the aspect that has changed a lot, you also know that we have new widgets to the page, you've
probably already seen.
The first one is the google widget to look up words in the website.
The second is the widget of Creative Commons, license that protects the work which is this website. If you want to see it click on.
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